Newcastle's New Live Music & Indie Club
Coming Sat, 30 October, 5-10pm
World Head Quarters
We are really excited about our new live music and indie club night 'Gimme Shelter'. If you loved the sub cult scene going on in the North East in the 80s/90s you will love our club. Did you go to the Redhouse, Egypt's Cottage, the Barley Mow, the Riverside, the Broken Doll, Heroes, the Drum Club or any other of those flippin brilliant NE venues? Where you lucky enough to have got on The Tube? Do you still love your music? Have you still got it?? Does the idea of going out clubbing at 12 o’clock at night have your reaching for your smelling salts?? Well no fear… Gimme Shelter starts at 5pm and finishes at 10pm but if you do have the stamina to keep on clubbing after 10pm, we salute you, you’re a better man/woman than we are!
So whatever ‘Tribe’ you were in back then get yourselves to Gimme Shelter where you can expect to hear at least two live local bands along with indie DJs playing those retro sounds you love so much on vinyl. Expect to hear Punk, New Wave, Indie, New Romantic, Ska, Alternative, Mod, 2-Tone and Skin sounds. It’s an eclectic mix but we are going old style with some wild cards thrown in too, did someone say AC/DC? Hell yeah! So grab your Insett Spiky Hairspray, your Dad's old overcoat, your Sta-prest, your Ben Sherman’s etc. etc. and get on down to World Head Quarters... we're waiting…
PS if you were too young to experience those glory days, come along, we want you there too!! This can be your pre club warm up.
